Thursday, November 21, 2013

Legal and ethical issues

Responding to the question to whether the use of information like journals, or movies or other type of media should be free. I think that information regarding all of these things should be kept limited. The idea of having copyright things is for the sole purpose for someone to prevent stealing valuable information that can be used against one person or even one company. Open-access can sometimes be good, only in certain things that would be known not to bring any consequences if the information is used unlawfully. as described in the article about Aaron Swartz, a Data Crusader, and  now a cause, " In the debate over whether information should be made widely available. On one side were activist like Mr. Swartz and the advocacy groups like the Electronic Frontier foundation and students for free cultrue. On the the other were governments and corporations that argued that some information must be kept private for security or commercial reasons." This quote can clearly collaborate on my point, these two sides are clearly looking for what is best for the people. Although my point concurs with that of the government and large corporations, it is for the good of one company and to protecting that factor that always benefits everyone, Money.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Privacy and Security

The issue of privacy and security on the internet has always been a candid issue. This is because many people feel insecure of freely surfing the internet without having the government or other entities focused on what people are doing. Some people have learned that relying on the U.S government is sometimes not a good option,  especially if you work for the government like General David Petraeus. Acording to the article, How metdata brought down CIA boss David Petraeus, " While the FBI was monitoring an email account that was reportdedly the source of some harrasing emails it found a series of IP addreses  recorded when a user is logged on to a hotel WIFI."This shows that not even a high ranking official is not safe with internet  privacy. But according to Ian Goldberg, a comouter scientist at the University of Waterloo, " Tor project, which runs privacy software that is popular with internet activist could have saves Petraeus and Paula Broadwell from being discovred." I think that this Tor Project conducted by Ian Goldberg should be implement more by in order to protect privacy right of everyindividual in the country, but most importantly respect the 4th amendment of the constitution.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Artificial intelligence and Robotics

In the year 2013, many robots are capable of doing extraordinary things similar to humans. They can either walk as we do, speak, communicate, and even help us build large quantities of different materials. My position on  robotic cars is that it is very necessary to have nowadays. Although these cars would just add up to the large amount of cars that inhabit our planet, it would make a difference and revolutionize the driving experience. As described by the article driver-less cars get California licence, "In addition to eliminating human conditions such as fatigue or distractions, an autonomous vehicle has also a much better response than the average human ."  I agree with this statement because it shows that this kind of technology is reliable.I think that robotic cars can finally put an end to a long lasting problem affecting the world  each second, car accidents. Although like humans, robots might also have the capability to commit a mistake. This is either by malfunctions on the car robot or human errors in constructing the robot car.As described by the Boston Globe article, Should we put robots on trial, " With most robot-like machines that exist today, any serious problems can be easily traced back to a human somewhere, whether because he machine was used carelessly or because it was intentionally programmed to do harm." This quote shows that not always a car or robot can be reliable because behind an harmless machine there can be bad intentions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


For this project I decided to do a youtube video of my Jeep Wrangler. I uploaded this video about a year ago and used some color changes for the background because the original video was kind of dark. I decided to take a video of my Jeep because I had just cleaned it that day.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

There are many social media websites today, but many have there favorite website like me. Which website am I on and which do I prefer the most? Well I will tell you that I spend most of my time watching videos on YouTube, or most importantly checking and twitter for updates on what I need for class the upcoming class period. Sometimes I log in to Facebook just to see what people are on and to look at pictures. Changing topic, virtual worlds are basically created on the computer someone who is always connected to some sort of website or dedicates much of their time  on  the computer almost creating a virtual self. This virtual world can be used by as described in the article, Going to the virtual office in second life, We had a whole range of environments from auditoriums and collaboration pods to social areas where the avatar can pick up a beer around a log fire, walk around, sculpture, talk, etc." this is one great example of having a virtual world, where one cannot do it in real life but is able to do it virtually.However there are many people that look for ways of using these social media websites as educational tools as one professor does as described in the article, Professor encourages students to pass notes during class-via Twitter, " Once students warmed to the idea that their professors actually wanted them to chat during class, students begin floating ideas or posting links to related material." In other cases the professor would see a good idea posted, so the professor would literally stop class in order to discuss the idea. For this, I think that websites have a big impact on us, whether we just use a limited amount or large amount of websites these will always be there to help us and to create a somewhat virtual world for us.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

The future for the World Wide Web in my opinion look very bright. With the technological advances the world wide web would be something out of this world. The cloud is a type of expression used to describe different types of concepts of computing enabling many computers to run in real time through any network in the internet. As described by the Cloud Computing article, " Almost 50 years ago a similar transformation came with the creation of service bureaus and time sharing systems." basically this describes that cloud computing is not the first time that this is attempted, in the past this system has been successful. Also as described in this article that, "in the 1980s, part of the appeal was the promise of liberating programs and data from central computing."

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Introduction

Hello my name is Andres Velasquez i go to Northeastern Illinois University, I am currently a sophomore and really excited to start out this year in this class. I really think this class is going to teach me many technological stuff that I didn't know. This class will help me be techsmart in a way that it will help me use the computer as a tool for not only entertainment, facebook, instagram, youtube, etc. but for educational purposes that will help me keep up with the rapid advancing technology. The way I feel the course can integrate blogs is to use it as a feedback tool for the class and informational for people to know what they might of missed in class.