Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

The future for the World Wide Web in my opinion look very bright. With the technological advances the world wide web would be something out of this world. The cloud is a type of expression used to describe different types of concepts of computing enabling many computers to run in real time through any network in the internet. As described by the Cloud Computing article, " Almost 50 years ago a similar transformation came with the creation of service bureaus and time sharing systems." basically this describes that cloud computing is not the first time that this is attempted, in the past this system has been successful. Also as described in this article that, "in the 1980s, part of the appeal was the promise of liberating programs and data from central computing."


  1. Very cool! I wasn't aware that services like the cloud were in the picture 50 years ago.

  2. Yea i agree with the web being very bright. But as long as it make my searching easier and more interesting for me I don't mind it one bit and hope for it to get even smarter and easier.
